to build a home
phone: 561-359-7918 keshetgallery@gmail.com
NOT IN FL?: to purchase or inquire please email or call Anabel & Justin Hochberg owners of Keshet Gallery.
OR if you live in the Boca area, we cannot wait for you to viscerally experience this piece in person.
33 x 47 x 3 handcrafted walnut wood canvas housed in a poplar wood frame. concrete + ink + oil + plaster + crushed terracotta
+ sand + shells + wood stain + crushed crystal quartz +iron
+ arizona rock pigment +tourmaline +rust.
This may be my favorite painting I've ever created. I do not say that lightly, as my heart is attached to art that grows from it.
I built a home for my inner child to feel safe and sound in the deep knowing life is breathing beside me and within me. I plant roots and patiently wait for her to flower before over-watering. I clean the one natural home I will claim in this lifetime: my body. Furnish my body/home with what brings me joy. Embrace movement that feels good and soulful for the primary purpose of giving thanks to the limbs I so luckily have. Hobbies that make me feel connected to myself and build self-esteem and self-worth by doing esteem-able acts. No matter my relationship with anyone on this planet or the comfort of any space state or country I live in, my body is my home. The people, hobbies, nature, and activities I surround myself with merely reflect how I deserve to be treated at that moment. By decluttering toxic influences from my life, I can create a safer and more secure foundation to navigate any challenges that come my way.
The journey to self-love is never-ending, but I am committed to it. Every day, I face obstacles that challenge my core beliefs about who I am. But it is my responsibility to keep rebuilding and improving my soul's foundation. By doing so, I can continue to grow and evolve into the best version of myself.