Artists Taylor and Connor Robinson handcraft textured sculptural paintings, and reliefs under their trade name visceral home. A composition experimenting with contrasting natural earth compounds and unnatural elements, focusing on representing the complexities of mental health and addiction disorders.
The art they create during their meditative process is a personal reflective journey of healing parts of themselves they aim to encapsulate within the art itself to inspire vulnerability in the viewer. Armed with an inherent obligation to translate and transmute emotion into various art forms, the artists' intends to help destigmatize mental health by paring vulnerable written autobiographies alongside viscerally evoking art.
Every painting has been cared for and thought of as a singular soulful entity. We believe our original art encapsulates our energy, purpose, and special vision planned for each individual piece. treated as their own unique being, story being told, and personality. We carefully choose, design, and build wooden houses we feel the art was aligned to be encased in. Connor builds every canvas and frame custom to each project. He designs and plans each frame intentionally, an art form in itself. My creative process has changed entirely since becoming inspired by the craft of woodworking. Before I even start my creative process unleaded upon the canvas, I make sure I find/use materials that will echo the natural beauty of the wood species Connor used for the frame. Each piece is ready to hang, ships with its unique story, and is then securely wrapped to start a journey towards the home it is called too. We uniquely offer different styles, skill sets, and ideas that fuse together to create each piece of art.
Our process focuses on a personal promise embedded within us, a deeply felt commitment knowing we cannot create without helping others create a better future for themselves. Connor and I are both in recovery from substance use disorder, and I battle cPTSD. To be where we are today, is a miracle we feel can happen for anyone if they have the tools and support to do so. Being able to share our art in new spaces and share our story is a privilege we are indescribably grateful for. We share our gratitude by giving back to those who helped us get here. Especially in charleston where we live on the very bottom of the US list for mental health resources. We focus on new innovative ways to open doors to uncomfortable conversations, art being one of them. "The emotional experience art encourages within the viewer is the starting point to creating understanding between the human experience and our own formed human biases." taylor robinson 2023
our advocacy goals

reach out for a PDF downloadable version of the charleston mental health resource list - our goal is to assist expanding resources within and around the charleston area.