behind plaster walls
phone: 561-359-7918 keshetgallery@gmail.com
NOT IN FL?: to purchase or inquire please email or call Anabel & Justin Hochberg owners of Keshet Gallery.
OR if you live in the Boca area, we cannot wait for you to viscerally experience this piece in person.
36 x 24 canvas set in matte black floating frame. ink + plaster + acrylic + spray paint + oil + watercolor
“I urge you to be softer with yourself,
I urge you to be softer with those you love,
Soft touches can save the world.
Soft touches loosen stiff hearts.
Tightly bound shields created from fear of letting others in-
Your softness is not your weakness.
Your softness is your courage.
Let your softness be your strength.
Vulnerability is rare.
I urge you to allow your soft vulnerability to touch those
who secretly crave it in the silence locked behind thick plaster walls.c