beach house

$650.00 Sale Save

14 x 14 x 3. embroidered canva detailed with plaster + oil + sand + concrete stucco + yarn + leather housed in a hand crafted maple wood frame.  

I need to surf. I need the water. I need hurricane season.  I painted the waves I am craving to catch right now.  I need. I need something, always. 

Especially a house on the beach. A house on the beach where I get to sit and look at the ocean would make everything okay. I will be happier.

Today I know that a beach house would only enhance my quality of life. It wouldn't fulfill any need. I do not NEED to surf. I want to surf. I want to use surfing as a coping skill.  It wouldn't be my only source of pure joy. I would still walk through days of dark emotions, fleeting thoughts of old self soothing behaviors, and anxiety. 

I attach absolutes to so many things, that even healthy habits can turn into obsessive compulsive thoughts. "I feel like this because I haven't skated in a few days". 

"I FEEL LIKE THIS BECAUSE" a sentence I have been trying actively to pull back into my mouth as I hear it start leaving my lips. Like a nervous tic. In that moment my neck and back get tense, and I feel the clump in my throat as I start to play detective trying to figure out WHY I am having the thoughts I'm having. Why I am feeling the way I am feeling. That detective work creates a dark hole of imagined possibilities on why I am having an off day. Most days it creates scenarios that are not factual. Giving my anxiety room to attach certainty to any "clues" I believed to have found explaining what potential threat will arise. Manifesting in creating fake situations that can be why my anxiety is heightened. It makes me terribly sad for my inner child who felt this all the time in her home growing up. She was taught that she should expect the worst, that she was not deserving of safety, or protection, honesty, or being respected. She was taught that her body was all she was good for. That all men were abusive and unfaithful. That she was never good enough. not worth being loved or respected. she was a burden. 

Walking on eggshells. My little body picking up the tense energy as soon as I woke up. What was going to go on today? Are we going to have enough money to make it through the week? What kind of fight will break out? 

Always over analyzing the situation. Some of my first memories were ones that I could remember sitting in my bed, even as a 4/5 year old analyzing what possibly could have happened or WHAT I DID to make the house more tense than usual. Questioning if one of my parents seem off. Thinking as hard as my little innocent brain could about what I could have done to cause an uproar.  Typically when I randomly felt "off" and the "energy was off" it was. There was always a large fight to come, water being turned off, or a huge catastrophic event that would change the course of my life.

I didn't know/realize until recently that I carried this behavior created from my negative core beliefs into adulthood. In active addiction, there was typically something that was always going to go wrong soon or anxiety/panic how I was going to get my next fix. I know in that time period those moments/events were mainly caused by my actions. The drugs completely changed my character. The disease itself took hold of me so deeply that I forgot about that little girl. I just held so much guilt and shame for the person I had become. Who I told myself consistently that I wouldn't be. 

I've had to work tremendously hard at forgiving myself for the actions and pain I caused others in active addiction. Almost mirrored in the way that I would people please everyone around me as a child. People pleasing my parents to avoid conflict in any way. People pleasing friends at school in fear that they would find out the "bad little girl" I was and wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore.  The guilt I carried made me believe I was unworthy of saying no to people and was incapable of standing up for myself. No matter the circumstance, I felt I deserved to be treated that way. Conditioned from such an early age, that love is conditional. I felt it was karma. I had to be exactly how my "friends" wanted me to be to avoid conflict, and overcompensating for the actions I took to obtain drugs to self medicate while I was chained to my addiction. 

Now, I am learning how to forgive myself for the brutal punishment I inflicted on myself. I would never treat a friend the way I have treated myself. I am loving and kind and forgiving to my friends. I am self sacrificing for those I love. I have never been able to show myself that kind of love. My love for myself was always conditional based on a scale of what I believed to be "good" or "bad".

The only way to stop the hyper vigilance of what my brain interprets to be a threat, monitoring every word that leaves my mouth or anyone else's around me, is to retrain the conditioning of the conditional love I have for myself. If I loved myself unconditionally, my nervous system can relax. The heightened fear that attacks my body from the uncertainty of the unknown stems from a time that I craved parental love, and wasn't sure if I was going to get it. Making the love for myself conditional. If they were okay, I was okay. If they seemed to love me, I can love me. If they are happy, I am happy. Emotionally kidnapped to everyone else's emotions but my own.  I repeated that destructive behavior over and over in personal relationships. With employees, co-workers, anyone. I convinced myself it was a burden to be my friend. I always needed something to fill that feeling. Some form of validation or reassurance that I was being "good". I couldn't find my own joy. I didn't feel joy if I didn't believe to be making those around me happy. I wasn't okay if I thought anyone was mad at me. 

That hyper vigilance started this cycle of needing reassurance especially from those closest to me, to make sure my brain didn't start to go down a spiral of trying to figure out how they were feeling. A self fulfilling prophecy of repeated anxious thoughts, wasting my entire day and self peace. I needed to distract myself from my own head. Now I am sober and have healthy habits/hobbies. Even with those healthy hobbies I can use it to distract myself and avoid the emotions that will eventually resurface. Sitting on my board in the middle of the ocean, taking in the sounds and enjoying the sun beating down on me. Knowing that when I get home I will still feel the pit in my stomach wondering if my partner was mad at me. Convincing myself he was mad at me. Monitoring the tone of his voice, trying to analyze if there was any tension that might cause an argument. Even if I know within my soul I have done nothing to cause anger or resentment. Connecting the dots like when I was a little girl, picking up clues to support my fears when I do not even know it to be true. I have exiled myself from all of the toxic people and situations in my life- yet still feel the pit in my stomach waiting for it to happen. 

I do not NEED for anything. I do not need to surf. I do not need new clothes. I do not need a degree. I do not need to loose 20 pounds. I do not need a little beach house. I need to know that I will be okay with or without those things. I have made a lot of progress in this area, but like the yarn in this canvas I feel it to be embroidered in my subconscious. It's something I have to be actively aware of. Something I need to force myself to believe that I can choose. Sometimes it feels like I have the whole recipe to make a cake but I don't put it in the oven. Or pull it out too soon and it's still kind of runny. The secret of beating the anxious thoughts that prevent being in the present moment, yet not fully believing in myself enough deeply that I will be okay no matter what unfolds before me.

Feeling deserving of a beach house with a garden in the back, gate leading to the ocean. Kids running around in the sand as I bring out a picnic for lunch. How can I enjoy that vision, that future if I hold fear that one day it will all disappear? Proving that no matter what beautiful blessing that I achieve in this lifetime - if I do not continue to work towards fully believing I deserve it, I will never be able to truly enjoy it. Moving forward depends on me, telling that little girl that she didn't deserve to live a childhood that was uncertain. I was worthy of love. I wasn't responsible for the emotions of my parents. It wasn't normal what happened to me. My worth isn't measured by my looks. My worth isn't measured by what men think of woman. I am worthy of boundaries. I can say no. I wasn't suppose to feel unsafe in my own home. That not all uncertainty is bad. There is magic in the uncertainty of life.




The hanging gear installed to each piece differs by weight, size, and frame type. We install the best quality gear for each work, and quality check by installing the art on our studio walls.

If the painting you are purchasing is going to be hung on a surface that needs a particular type of gear, please reach out so we can make that happen for you.

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Our art is professionally wrapped and shipped by our local fine art shipper who has decades of experience working with fine art and sculpture.

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Our process often begins by envisioning the space where each piece will ultimately live. We consider not only the textural and visual impact it will have on its surroundings but also the emotional resonance it will evoke. Each creation is imbued with intention, a quiet faith that the right collector will find it and feel an immediate, visceral connection. This alignment between artist, artwork, and space is something we strive for in every project, and time and again, it has guided our pieces into the homes where they belong. We are endlessly captivated by the psychology of design—how the elements within a space can either foster tranquility or unsettle the mind. For Taylor, the dream has always been to create safe, authentic spaces—both for herself and for those who welcome VISCERAL HOME into their lives. Connor provided me my first "safe space" and "home" - it’s this dedication to creating environments that support mental well-being that underpins every work of art we handcraft.

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allow your intuition to guide you,


At our core, we strive to provide a personal, and stress-free experience. Buying original artwork can feel intimidating, especially if you've yet to experience the piece in person. Cultivating and nurturing an easy, relaxing and worry-free line of communication while engaging with our art is what brings us joy.

Connor and I share a deep love for building our own unique, and growing art collection. When adding to our personal collection, we allow our intuition to lead following what catches the eye, viscerally pulls us in, and plays with your heartstrings in ways words cannot. Discovering new artists with that bright glimmer in their eye as they talk about their work or feel their heart through the screen in the words, they use to describe a piece online. It is an intoxicating experience, and one we wish for you too.

We can confidently and humbly state that our artwork is crafted to be timeless treasures and investments, built to last through the ever-changing stages and periods of life. Each piece is set with the intention to be passed down generation, to generation - surpassing fast trends, and fleeting styles.

If you're intrigued by our artwork and our personal stories that adorn them, we would be honored to invite you to reach out to us. Whether you have questions about a specific piece, simply want to connect, talk mental health, or maybe you're eager to learn more about our process: we're here to guide you every step of the way.


Consider scheduling a complimentary virtual consultation with us. During this session, we'll have the opportunity to delve into your vision and preferences, understanding the essence of your space and what type of artwork would harmonize seamlessly. All it takes is a few snapshots of your wall or living area, and from there, we'll work our magic, crafting a custom rendering tailored just for you. No strings attached or pressure, we wish to build genuine connection, and stay in touch as our art career evolves and grows. If not now, then later.

thank you for choosing to support emerging artists and *living* artists - you're support directly impacts our dreams, business aspirations, and mission to keep building a platform for our advocacy to be heard.
